The Tablet changes everything
The prized attributes of MONO skincare products are convenient, efficient, fast-absorbing natural liquids used as an alternative to classic creams or lotions; but the biggest difference between a MONO product and a cream or lotion is what the formulation doesn't include. The tablets leave out occlusive, or airtight, moisturizing ingredients such as petrolatum or mineral oil that keep water from evaporating. They also contain no lubricating and thickening agents, like nut or seed oils.
The tablets are water-based, eliminating oils altogether. They’re typically packed with inulins, ceramides and emollient ingredients like aloe and other botanical extracts. It works better for oily skin especially, and it has every ingredient you need on it; no more but no less.
Beauty without waste
Safest: cosmetic ingredients are accompanied by full toxicological evaluation information. Formulas are suitable for ultra-sensitive skins, pregnant women, and children under 3 years old.