Double Berry Collagen Gummies

Jul 4, 2023

Double Berry Collagen Gummies

Indulge in the grown-up version of squashies with our Double Berry Collagen Gummies. Say goodbye to artificial colors, fake ingredients, and blood-spiking sugars. Double the berry, double the goodness! Treat yourself guilt-free while giving your skin some serious love. Boost your collagen the yum way and feel free to squish it, roll it, and devour it. Deliciousness awaits!


Strawberry layer

125 strawberries, hulled and roughly chopped
1⁄2 cup water
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 tsp pure maple syrup or honey
2 Tbsp Miracle Collagen
2 Tbsp Beauty Renewal
2 Tbsp grass-fed gelatin

strawberry gummies ingredients cooking

 Blueberry layer

125 blueberries, hulled and roughly chopped
1⁄2 cup water
1 tsp vanilla OR 1 Tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp pure maple syrup or honey
2 Tbsp Miracle Collagen
2 Tbsp Beauty Renewal
2 Tbsp grass-fed gelatin

Berry gummies collagen layer 


1. Set aside your desired silicone molds or simply line a medium sized glass container with brown baking paper.

2. Add strawberries, water, lemon juice and maple syrup to a blender and blitz until smooth.

3. Transfer to a saucepan and sprinkle the collagen and gelatin. Stand for 5 minutes then use a whisk to combine. Transfer to a low-medium flame and heat until almost simmering, whisking regularly (or until gelatin is completely dissolved). Pour between molds and then place in the fridge for 1 hour before making the blueberry layer.

4. Make the blueberry layer. Add blueberries, water, vanilla and maple syrup to a blender and blitz until smooth.

collagen gummies with berrys

Finish collagen gummies food

Gummies collagen wellness

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